To view the following PDF files, all of which open in a new window, you will need to have Acrobat Reader installed. Download Acrobat Reader.
- 2006 highlights
- Chairman's statement
- Chief Executive Officers statement
- Asset portfolio
- Group overview
- Our approach to risk and risk management
- Key performance indicators and financial highlights
- Regional review North America
- Regional review Europe
- Regional review Middle East
- Regional review Australia
- Regional review North Asia
- Financial position and resources
- Board of Directors
- Senior management team
- Corporate governance
- Corporate responsibility
- Employees
- Directors remuneration report
- Directors' report
- Statement of Directors' responsibilities
- Independent auditor's report
- Consolidated income statements
- Consilidated balance sheets
- Consolidated statement of changes in equity
- Consolidated cash flow statements
- Notes to the consolidated financial statements
- Five year financial summary
- Shareholder profile
- Shareholder services and information
- Glossary